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Date de mise en ligne : vendredi 02 décembre 2011 - 26 813 vues

Jamaïque, un enfer gay

Île paradisiaque et berceau du reggae, la Jamaïque a un point commun avec l’Iran et l’Arabie Saoudite. Ces trois pays sont considérés comme les plus homophobes au monde. En France, c’est à l’annulation de certains concerts que ce fléau fait écho. Une fatalité sur place, où un consensus anti-gay semble enraciné, au détriment des centaines d’homosexuels qui vivent un enfer.


Article écrit par Ratiba Hamzaoui



Date de mise en ligne : 02/12/2011
Jamaïque, un enfer gay

44 réactions
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Lâche pas l'affaire Ratiba, ton article est très bien. J'aimerai bien entendre le discours de tous ces haters le jour ou des mecs commenceront à se faire lyncher par ce qu'il se font fait sucer la bite par leur meuf, pratique gravement contre nature, lol !!!


Wow...Just wow. Who are the "us" you speak about? Don't you think it's more than little presumptuous of you to come here and assume to speak for everyone? I corrected the mistakes and falsehoods in the article; explaining the buggery act and other laws concerning homosexuals, the fact that there are only 300 gays in Jamaica, the actual situation on the ground here in Jamaica etc., etc., because like most Jamaicans I'm fed up with all the agenda driven 'experts' who know more about us than we know about ourselves. I feel so strongly about this that I used my real name and didn't hide behind a pseudonym.

If the misinformation in the article suites you then fine, and if you don't like the information I posted here you are more than welcome to come to Jamaica and take it up with the police high command and the courts because that is where it came from. I have been to Brazil many times but I don't consider myself an expert on the sociopolitical situation, culture, people or history of the country, what are the credentials that make you an expert on this or any situation in Jamaica pray tell?

Dear Same Clayton!!! I live in Brazil a democratic country with a high level of murders in homosexual communities...You are the most funny people i have ever read!!! How can you right such things:

"more than 90% of violent crimes involving male homosexuals are if fact perpetrated by other homosexual males usually in a jealous dispute."

I think it is terrible, poor and stupid, and more this is an abject cliche!! Please leave us (and this jornalist!) read our reaggae France in peace!!!" I usually never react to article but I can't read such bullshit!!! Go away mister clayton please....How can this website can leave this comments ??????

Is this really the best you can do? Frankly I'm very disappointed, I expected better or was I just too optimistic. I thought Reggae France was at least a professional outfit with professional staff who would display a certain level of decorum.

This opinionated old man made several salient points which you have not responded to, instead your unwarranted, personal attack is very unprofessional and uncouth at best.......childish even, especially on a public forum.

There is clearly no accounting for good manners and class....but we are who we are because of what we know.

Mr Clayton, going to the bank and being in the same line than a transexual does not give you the right to spread your ignorance and prejudice on the topic.

You find my advise about what you should do with the time you have left in Jamaica childish, irrelevant and presumptuous? Should I remind you you first advise me to stay more than a week in Jamaica?

And no, I did not have to spend a second to investigate on you. An old man who has an opinion on everything and everybody, is unfortunately way too loud to be avoided.

Your article is misleading, biased, rife with falsehoods and arrogant. You gave the impression that homosexuals are being systematically hunted down, assaulted and/or murdered and this is misleading and false! Your insistence that the police and and various other official organizations, including the hospital staff in Kingston hospitals are to be mistrusted and that is why these crimes are not/never reported and and have no official record of ever happening is again misleading and false. The fact that you 'know' what happened although there are no official reports or evidence to support your claims in THREE different murders is arrogance at its highest level.

Until you offer evidence to the contrary, the three 'homophobic murders' (as you call them), is only speculation and opinion on your part and should be stated as such, nothing more. Journalism is about reporting the news/facts not making them. One minute there is no evidence and the next minute you 'know' for a fact what happened...unless you were present at the time of these murders I don't see how this can be.

I do not understand your insistence on pushing innuendo and falsehoods even after the facts(s) have been brought to your attention, your continued misrepresentation of the Buggery Act is a prime example of this. This information is easily available on the internet for anyone interested in the truth by the way.

Everybody in Kingston knows where homosexual prostitutes hang out and conduct 'business' yet neither the police or the roving band of murderers you wrote about don't go to these locations to arrest or murder them and/or their clients. I will repeat this for clarity: IT IS A CRIME TO ASSAULT ANYONE FOR ANY REASON IN JAMAICA. Therefore, if you assault someone for being gay you will be arrested and charged with a crime, and unlike the writer I can produce police records which show that this has happened in the past...

You mentioned that there are four (4) laws that "directly target male homosexuals" can you now enlighten us as to what those laws are and explain exactly how they "target male homosexuals". Why don't any of your points come with detailed explanations? Your article and responses read like a collection of anecdotes.

I have spent a lifetime studying the history and culture of this country, all the way up to the university level, I have a profound understanding of the language, laws and customs. That is a lot more knowledge and information than anyone who came to Kingston two years ago can ever claim to have acquired...but you are the expert...

You apparently spent some time investigating who I am therefore I find your advise about what I should do with the time I have left in Jamaica childish, irrelevant and presumptuous.

Jamaica is a homophic country, that is a fact. Amnesty International and many other non governmental organizations consider Jamaica as one of the most homophobic countries in the world, that is a fact. The three murders I mentionned are homophobic murders, these are three facts.

This article, contrary to your non-sense comments, is a non-biased article. I wrote this article because homophobia is a plague in Jamaica, and to try to explain that music is more a reflect of what is already existing than an influence.

There are four laws that directly target (male) homosexuals, the "buggery laws" that Mrs Simpson Miller wants to repeal. When a homosexual wants to press charges because he was a victim of an agression, he is taking more risks to go to the police.

With almost 400 Jamaicans killed by the police in 2010 (and this does not include the unrest), the JCF cannot be considered as a reliable source. I had the evidence thanks to the NGOs in Jamaica, the clinic that takes care of the and the homosexuals in Jamaica, and that is why this article has been published.

If "sensational' means "journalism that does not serve your interest and does not feed your prejudice", so yes, it can be considered as sensational.

You have now a few days left in Jamaica, Mr Clayton, don't waste your time and start some research. Every educated people "know that".

No, we should not keep quiet about homophobia I never suggested any such thing but journalists must report about the problem in a non biased manner, they should only report 'facts' and not try to editorialize and make claims that are not proven and they should never give the impression that their opinion is fact.

It is also false to claim that homosexuality is punishable by law in Jamaica because this is not true!!! The Buggery Act (which we inherited from England) is specifically concerned with anal penetration and bestiality. IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO BE OR CLAIM TO BE A HOMOSEXUAL IN JAMAICA.... Homosexuals cannot, and are not arrested for being homosexual! Research.

Almost none of your claims have been proved by you or even the police, you stand behind unverified and unproven claims while claiming professionalism as a journalist. The police and hospital workers are not trusted so murders and aggravated assaults go unreported?!? Nobody need to press charges when murder or aggravated assault is committed the investigation by the police is automatic in these situations. If you do not have, and cannot provide material evidence of a situation you should not report it as fact, every professional journalist knows that.

If this is not sensational 'journalism' I don't know what is.

Moi ça me fait doucement rigoler ce reportage sur un site comme Le site qui passe des clips slackness ou tu retrouves des paroles sexistes et gangsta dans tous les couplets et qui se fait appeler reggaefrance. Le problème du reggae et des sounds en France, c'est qu'il passe des tunes Jamaiquaines que personnent comprend les paroles et qu'elles parlent le plus souvent de la vie hardcore des jamaicains et que derrière ils arrivent à te passer une tune conscious passe que le son est bon ou que ça vient de jamaique. Beh en fait c'est le même problème avec ce site, c'est le genre de bordel qui te décrédibilise un mouvement et un message.
Je n'ai pas peur de dire que ce site est de la merde, il contribue à banaliser le femme objet et le bling bling, ou sont les valeurs du reggae là dedans!, et pour rappel la jamaique bat les records aussi d'agression sexuel et de viols, faut faire le ménage devant sa porte avant de balancer des reportages comme ça !

I, the author, am not pretending to judge the culture and the people of Jamaica, but I am observing, investigating, and interviewing. The situation is complex indeed, and the NGOs themselves cannot explain the cause: religion, music, politic, etc.

Should we make homophobia be quiet because it is a worldwide issue? There are homophobes in France, but homosexuality is criminally punishable in Jamaica, and that prevents the victims to claim justice and to be protected by the police. According to many testimonies I had the opportunity to collect the last two years (and not one and two weeks because I do live in Kingston), police and government are not cooperative. And because the homosexuals are scared, they rarely press charges.

Concerning the material evidence about the three homosexuals killed, what material evidences can I give when the victims say they do not trust the police and hospitals ? I still can suggest you contact the JAS and they will link you up with the shelter.
- I did not videotape the burning body of Jamie, because it happened in the country and I live in Kingston.
- I can tell you that Dwayne, 22, died from a cerebral commotion on Hope Road in Kingston, not far from the King's House in the afternoon, after a group of men attacked him.
- I don't have the material proof that Ashann was killed because he was gay, but there is no doubt about it. I got there shortly after they discovered the body. The blood was still running and the only reason people and the three policemen were shocked was because the man was a "batty boy".

Still, homosexuals are not systematically killed, but the threat is perpetual. Writing that "the article might give the impression that jamaicans are running around looking for homosexuals to mutilate and kill" is unfair and unjustified.

As a professionnal journalist, I do not publish mini-van gossips. And no, I will certainly not inform the readers about "the SUSPECTED homosexuals working in the arts, academia, business and politics". Suspected??? Like the suspected witches burnt in middle age? Or the suspected terrorist locked up in Guatanamo? Let's be honnest and serious.

Mr Clayton, thank you for your paternal and kind advise, but I already did some "research on the topic" the last two years and I did not only "talk to a wide cross section of people like some local experts on the matter", but to all of them, two of whom are Portia Simpson Miller and Bruce Golding. I am french, I do not give lessons and I don't know best, but I don't publish nauseous smashing-shocking news to increase the readorship. And neither does Reggaefrance.

"Se taire c'est parfois cautionner la violence et le non-droit, je ne serai pas complice du silence."

Another article/document where the writer pretends to know or understand the culture and or people of Jamaica while only muddying the water with innuendo and falsehoods.

Yes there are homophobes in Jamaica just like there are in USA, the UK, France and everywhere else I've ever been to and just like those first world countries it is illegal to physically attack a person because of their sexual orientation; in short, you will be arrested and put in prison if you do any such thing in Jamaica. I stood in line behind a transvestite recently in a kingston bank and while some people laughed quietly, he/she was not attacked and killed.

The writer skillfully used the words "suicidaire", "enfer", "persécutée" etc to give the impression that jamaicans are running around looking for homosexuals to mutilate and kill. While we certainly have problems this is as far from the truth as one can be regarding this situation and I challenge the writer to furnish evidence of any such killing(s) in Jamaica. You pointed out that Macy's friend was found stabbed to death but you 'forgot' to tell us who killed this person and why, in fact none of your descriptions of violence indicate who the perpetrator(s) is/are or how any of these things happened.

You also forgot to inform your readers that many well known Jamaicans in the arts, academia, business and politics are either known or suspected to be homosexual with no detriment to their lives and or careers. This situation is a bigger and more complex social issue than your narrow article tries to paint.

The French like to give lessons because of course they know best...even when they don't know; liking reggae and visiting Jamaica for a week of two does NOT make you an expert! It might actually be a good idea to talk to a wide cross section of people like some local experts on the matter if and when you choose to actually do some research on the topic.

Faut remettre ça dans son contexte aussi ! A part dire qu'il y a énormément de lieux de culte en Jamaïque on oublie un peu vite que les 300 qui "transgressent" les interdits sociétaux sont extrêmement minoritaires et jeunes... 0,00001 % alors que la bisexualité y est bien plus répandue qu'on ne le croit !
A l'époque des interdictions de Sizzla en France c'etait l’œuvre d'une minorité encore qui avait décidé de gêner une majorité du public français alors que l'artiste ne reflétait que la société dont il est issu...
On parle d'homosexualite mais pas du libertinage sociétale qui fait que la majorité des foyers sont tenus par les femmes pendant que les hommes "papillonnent" créant des foyers monoparentaux dans un pays du tiers monde, où beaucoup de jeunes se retrouvent désmunis amenant violence, non respect des femmes, crimes et obscurantisme... mais comme toujours il es plus facile de parler de l'homosexualité, alors que ce pays a de bien plus graves problèmes à traiter dans l'immédiat...
PS "j'adore" la comparaison avec l'Iran et l'Arabie Saoudite... oubliant que plein de pays n'ont aucune stat sur le sujet car être homo est passible de lynchage public dans certains pays d'Afrique...

Bref un article partial ? certainement...

A ceux qui sont pour une extermination(disons les choses comme elles sont);sachez que vos idées ne valent pas plus que celles d'un petit homme à moustache ou que d'un L Pen. Vous n'êtes que ce que vous critiquez à longueur à longueur de journée (Pathétique).
Enfin, que Dieu nous protège de toutes les religions (=interprétation)...
Article très intéressant et pensez à écouter les paroles(le reggae et le dancehall ne sont pas que ganja et oiseaux qui chantent dans les arbres)...

bravo la jamaique !!!

a choisir je prefere vivre en france qu en jamaique ...
sinon ils ont compris quoi les jamaicains ? ils font du bon son, ok, mais c est pas un modele d'ouverture d esprit ni de tolerance...

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